Optase Tea Tree Oil Lid Wipes

Optase Tea Tree Oil Lid Wipes

Barcode: 539200010426

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A gentle and preservative free, Tea Tree Oil (TTO) based lid wipe for daily eye lid hygiene.

OPTASE Tea Tree Oil (TTO) Lid Wipes provide natural relief from the symptoms of Blepharitis. OPTASE TTO contains a unique and gentle formulation of natural ingredients (Tea Tree Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Camomile & Aloe Vera) which are preservative free, making it ideal for daily lid hygiene.

How To Use

Wash your hands then remove the wipe from its sachet and wrap over finger. Close your eye and move the wipe gently across the eyelid and lashes from side to side several times.

Always read the label and instructions for use

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