Collection: SECURE


Our Mission Statement

We are Bioforce USA, an industry leader in distinguished natural lifestyle products. Our mission is to bring you natural health care products from Europe that provide the highest level of quality, effectiveness and safety available today.

We look for products that offer (1) the finest natural ingredients; (2) outstanding performance; and (3) clinical research as proof of efficacy.

We have become the exclusive U.S. distributors for Secure because we believe Secure denture adhesive products meet these strict standards.

Discovered by an Austrian dentist to give better denture support for his patients, Secure provides new hope for people with lower and upper denture problems.

Secure "Extraordinary Hold" Bonding Cream is the patented non water-soluble denture adhesive that won't wash away with water. It prevents slip and slide, holds dentures in place while you eat and drink, and last all day—up to 12 hours.

Another Secure PLUS: since the patented adhesive does not dissolve in water or saliva, adhesive particles won’t leak into your stomach. That’s why 100% taste-free Secure is known in Europe as the “healthy denture adhesive.”

We offer other fine products from Europe:

  • Alfred Vogel herbal supplements made in Switzerland with fresh, organically grown plants
  • Herbatint Hair Color from Italy, the natural alternative to conventional hair dyes that's kind to sensitive skin
  • Sanhelios high-potency herbal supplements from Germany; and
1 product
  • Secure Denture Adhesive Cream 40g
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